Alberta Farm Animal Care is looking for groups, or individuals, who have made exceptional contributions to the field of livestock welfare.

They are seeking nominations for their three awards, which were initiated in 2001.

In release, Alberta Farm Animal Care described the awards up for grabs;

The Award of Distinction for Communication

This award honours those that take an active role in effectively telling the story about livestock issues, and informing the public and agri-food industry about farm animal care in a factual and honest way that is credible and builds trust.
The Award of Distinction for Industry Leadership

This award honours those who integrate animal welfare into their core business strategy, striving to achieve more than expected regarding animal welfare and setting a higher standard.
The Award of Distinction for Innovation

This award honours those who have developed a new process, product, or source of knowledge that has made a significant impact on improving the welfare of livestock and the industry.

To nominate someone, you can write a letter about their contribution to livestock welfare, and email it to Alberta Farm Animal Care at, or submit it to their website.

The awards will be presented on March 15 at the Livestock Care Conference in Olds, and nominations are due February 15.

For more information, you can visit their website.


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