We are well into Spring and getting close to Summer which means we are in the midst of allergy season.

High River pharmacist, Sheila Seeley says there are a variety of things that can cause allergies.

"Triggers are different for everybody, could be pets, could be farm animals, could be plants, pollen, dust, dust mites. You know there's dozens of allergens in our environment."

Seeley adds that many weather sites display the level of pollen in the air and that can be a good tool to avoid allergies acting up.

Seeley says while it's possible to avoid allergies, if they are acting up medications can be used.

"For treatment really the cornerstone is oral Antihistamines."

While allergies aren't usually dangerous, they can be potentially fatal in extreme cases for those with respiratory issues or people with medical conditions like asthma.

Seeley says there are a few things you can do to avoid allergies though.

"Avoiding their known allergens is probably the best thing, and so if they know their allergic to cats they should stay away from cats. People that have airborne allergies like pollen then you know staying inside, using air conditioning instead of opening windows, just avoiding being outside when those pollens are really heavy."