The Conservative Party released their platform late last week.

Some of the bigger planks in the platform are a balanced budget in five years, scrapping the carbon tax and a universal income tax cut.

Conservative candidate John Barlow says their fully costed platform is a unique one.

"We are the only party that has a fully costed platform. The others, including the Liberals, are partially done but not completely done. It was great to see the former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page give us a plus rating on our policy platform, which he said was open, transparent, and clearly outlined achievable goals."

Barlow says though the Conservatives would scrap the carbon tax, they would also introduce a comprehensive environmental plan.

"Our plan is to actually address the fundamental goals that Canadians have which is protecting our environment, but not handicapping the Canadian economy at the same time. Reducing GHG emissions is not a burden that Canada should carry alone, this is a global issue and it should be dealt with with a global focus."

One of the bigger criticisms of the Conservative's platform is the fear slashing billions of dollars from the budget could negatively impact social services.

Barlow says they're keeping social services in mind.

"It's completely unfounded. That's what's frustrating, is when the Liberals and NDP spread this kind of misinformation. We've been adamant that we will continue to fund important social programs including education and healthcare." Adding, "Our platform is finding efficiencies within the system, and cut wasteful spending on programs like corporate welfare, those types of programs that I think most Canadians don't support anyway. I think we could certainly cut those programs and still meet our balanced budget goals."

He says two aspects of the platform which haven't been talked about much are the opioid crisis and agriculture.

Barlow says the agriculture sector has suffered very much under the Trudeau government, citing foreign relations, trade and new transportation rules.

"It's really surprising that agriculture hasn't been talked about more in this campaign. I think our farmers, ranchers, and our producers are facing one of their most difficult times in our history."

Barlow likened the NDP's platform, which was released at the same time, to those of the Liberal and Green Party's, which he says will bring massive deficits, and increased taxes.


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