It was 'Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day' yesterday.  That's a mouthful to simply say 'don't be a racist'.

It's sad we need to have a day such as this but racism is still out there and we need to address it and talk about it.

It's funny, as kids most of us don't see the differences, we only know which kids are nice and the ones that aren't. 

It really hit me as a 7 year old when my Dad let us kids stay up late to watch the Roots TV series in the '70's. 

I still remember feeling shocked that people actually 'owned' other people.  Thankfully we've come a long way since then but racism still abounds.

Hopefully this day will allow us to have those conversations with our children but as I recall each generation has a better understanding and are dissolving fears that us grown ups have passed down for far too long.  The more multicultural High River and other communities are becoming the better off we all are.

Martin Luther King said it best in his 'I Have a Dream' speech and which he paraphrases with his dedication on the inside jacket of the above book.

'To my children


for whom I dream that one day soon they will no longer be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".


- Kevin