The High River Flyers didn't have much time to celebrate their first round playoff win over the Coaldale Copperheads.

They're back in action Friday, February 21 in Okotoks, taking on the regular-season champs the Bisons in round two of the Heritage Junior "B" Hockey League playoffs.

Flyers rookie Jake Snashall says the Flyer's last meeting with the Bisons went well and they are hoping that's a trend that will continue.

"One of the last couple of games of the season going into playoffs we played Okotoks and we all know the outcome of that one, that was a huge game for us, we rolled into playoffs and had a tough series against Coaldale, we battled some adversity and I think it really showed the character of every guy in that room and what we can really achieve as a whole group."

Snashall and the Flyers are well aware of the challenge they face and know what they need to do to fight back.

"Taking away their time and space is going to be huge, laying the body wearing them down, when it gets later in the series those guys are gonna be worn down. We are gonna be hard on them and in their faces all night long."

Snashall says playing at home is a huge part of the Flyers success.

"We love playing at home. In the Coaldale series we won both games at home. All the fans are great, just the atmosphere of being at home."

Snashall says they're waiting to hear about the status of injured forward Brennan McPherson but are happy with how his replacement Lucas Ouellette has been playing so far.

"He's a young guy, He's a physical guy, he's not scared of anyone and he'll go in the corners which is a thing we need, in this league that's what you need to do. He's got some beef on him and he'll throw it around, he can play and he's not scared of whoever is across from him.

As for the Bisons they're the heavy and obvious favourites heading into this series.

But Coach, Chris Beston agrees, right now, the Flyers are a dangerous bunch.

"They are running hot right now and Colten (Flyers Coach Hayes) has them playing well and everybody's clicking. I watched both games in High River and you know we're going to have to bring our "A" game just to compete with them."

Beston, says this is a battle tested Flyers team that's not going make things easy on the powerful Bisons.

"All four lines are clicking for them. Their defence and their goaltenders are playing outstanding right now. So, we've got to be ready."

One area the Bisons hope to exploit in the Flyers game is their propensity for taking penalties.

Beston, says they need to take advantage.

"That is going to be the one of the keys to our success is to be disciplined. You know when they start taking penalties we can't retaliate. We've got to take advantage of our powerplays when we get them."

Read More: Bisons Not Taking Flyers Lightly