Anyone who is a fan of rodeos this weekend is your chance to check out the next generation of rodeo athletes as they compete in Nanton.

The Nanton Ag Society is hosting the Canadian high school rodeo finals for the fifth year in a row, but next year the event moves to B.C.

Organizer Shawna Bird says there are a few local competitors that have made it to the finals.

"There are several local kids that have made it into both the Junior and the High School," said Bird.

The event gets underway July 27 and runs for three days ending on July 29  with the top competitors from four provinces coming to town.

The junior rodeo goes in the morning and the high school in the afternoon.

With 300 kids and 600 horses camping at the Ag grounds it is bound to be a busy three days.
There are three go-rounds with 13 events and at the end they crown a Canadian Champion.


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