The Annual "Vul-Con" Star Trek convention goes this weekend in Vulcan.

As is always the case, it's a veritable who's who of the world of "Trek" and Sci-Fi.

Hundreds will gather from Friday, July 27 to Sunday, July 29, to meet and greet with the gathered celebrities and catch up with each other, as some will be coming from far away to enjoy the festivities and be among old friends.

One group in particular, the "USS King Edward" Star Trek fan Club from Calgary will take their usual spot front and centre over the weekend, and this year will do something they've never done before.

Three celebrity guests from the world of Star Trek are on hand this weekend.

Rekha Sharma, whos rose to fame on Battlestar Galactica and who's had a couple of guest starring roles on the new Star Trek series "Discovery."

She's joined by Jennifer Gatti, who'se been on both Star Trek: TNG and Star Trek: Voyager.

But the one the crew from the King Eddie are waiting for is Tucker Smallwood.

The King Eddie's Chief Engineer, Patrick Nicol, a Canadian Navy Veteran wrote a column on it:

Star Trek’s Smallwood Feted At Vul-Con 2018
Actor Tucker Smallwood is no stranger to the Star Trek universe, having played Adm. Bullock in Star Trek Voyager and a Xindi Councillor in Star Trek Enterprise.
And this weekend in Vulcan, AB. Canada he will add a new role to his resume: Honorary Member of the USS King Edward, NCC-74206, Calgary’s Star Trek club.
Smallwood will receive his honorary commission at Vul-Con 2018, the annual Star Trek celebration held in Vulcan. The convention hosts two other guests: Rekha Sharma and Jennifer Gatti, a cosplay contest, parade and vendors alley among the highlights.
King Eddy commanding officer Capt. Robert Litwin announced the award today , noting this is the first honorary commission conferred by his ship to a Star Trek performer.
“The USS King Edward is very proud to welcome Tucker Smallwood into our Ship’s Company,” Litwin said in a statement. “And we’re thrilled that he has accepted this honor.”
Smallwood will receive a commission as Hon. Captain in the Starfleet Marine Corps detachment to the King Eddy commanded by Brig. Gen. Derek France. France said he is honored to salute Smallwood, who commanded a five-man advisory team during the Vietnam war.
France noted many members of the King Eddy are themselves military veterans and reserve Starfleet Marines.
While on duty in the Mekong Delta, Smallwood was wounded and spent months in hospital in recovery. He left the US Army in 1970 to study acting, later appearing in films like Contact, The Cotton Club and Deep Impact. In addition to Star Trek, he’s appeared in The X-Files and starred in Space: Above and Beyond.
He is also an accomplished Blues musician and singer.
But Smallwood hasn’t forgotten his combat experience or those of other soldiers.
He is a tireless advocate for veterans, especially those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. His 2006 book of essays Return to Eden chronicles his return to Vietnam.
The USS King Edward is the Calgary chapter of Starfleet International, a world-wide fan club devoted to Gene Roddenberry’s iconic TV show. The King Eddy will have a booth at Vul-Con this year, including an expanded Artemis bridge simulator game and ship’s stores for sale.
You can follow the ship’s exploits at
More Vul-Con information is available at