This weekend should be an interesting one!


On Saturday I will be participating in my first motorcycle ride....without actually riding a motorcycle.  It's the Leather 'n' Chaps Ridin' for SNAPS!  The ride is touring Southern Alberta in support of the Special Needs Association for Parents & Siblings and I'll be tagging along with them.  The plan is to start at the River Roadhouse in High River at 9:00am with a breakfast and at 11:30am everyone will ride out.  From here, we will stop in Nanton, Longview, and Okotoks for about an hour each.  The last stop will be the River Roadhouse for a BBQ and celebration!


On Sunday, it's off to the Bar U for the "Sport of Kings"...polo!  You can come watch as local cowboys play the traditional sport on the original Bar U polo field.  It should be a lot of fun!


See you out and about!

