Wow,  what a tonne of fun at the Rec-Plex yesterday for the Kraft Hockeyville game between the Big N' Lil' Kids!

Loved seeing all the kids ripping around the ice playing with and against dads and granddads. 

Making memories for sure and also showing the love and support High River has for everyone.

It's touching to see how everyone came together to play and support the push for High River to make it to the final four in the contest.

Sure would be nice to insert some money into arena upgrades with $25,000 in prize money for making it there. And then if the dream comes true by winning the grand prize of $250,000 and hosting an NHL pre-season game.  Could you imagine if it was the Flames vs the Oilers?!?!?!

One thing was very clear from seeing the fans pack the stands and bringing bags and bags of food for the food bank was the pride High River has.

Check out the fantastic stories High Riverites are sharing