Saturday July 23rd was the Foothills SNAPS 6th Annual Motorcycle Poker Rally.

(One Of The Many Bikers Starting Up His Bike For The SNAPS Poker Rallly.)

This year they changed venues from the High River Legion to 4th Ave in High River.

The idea behind the change in venues was to expand the event and make it more accessible to the public.

Bikers from across the region come to High River to this event in support of SNAPS.

Furthermore, they are very happy to show off their bikes in the annual Show and Shine following the main event.

Foothills SNAPS has been in the High River area for over two decades and helps over 700 families.

They do an amazing job at connecting families and those with special needs to programs and resources available in the community.

Since Foothills SNAPS is a non-profit organization they depend on government grants and events like Leather and Chaps to fund their programs.

This year’s Leather and Chaps event featured live entertainment throughout the day, a kids fun zone, and a biker market.

They started off the day at 9am with a pancake breakfast served by the Calgary Stampede and followed it with the start of the Motorcycle Poker Rally.

This Poker Rally took the Motorcyclists to various locations across the Foothills during their ride.

At the same time, the SNAPS organization had many fundraising events taking place on 4th Ave.

High River Rotary was also in attendance and hosted a barbeque throughout the day.

At 4:30pm the bikers started to arrive back on 4th Ave and lined up their bikes so that the public could view them.

This is when the real fun started as the street became packed with people and everyone celebrated the great work that SNAPS does for our community and surrounding areas.

All in all, look out for this event next Summer in High River and be sure to join in all the fun!