The group opposing Rimrock Feeders' proposed biodigester is reacting to last week's shutdown of wind and solar projects.

The Alberta government announced all renewable energy projects will be looked at over the next six months.

Benita Estes says the biodigester is also considered a renewable energy source.

"It's being justified on the basis of being a renewable project as well and there are no regulations for these so I think in all honesty the minister of environment should put a hold on this project along with all others that are similar until such time as proper consultation is done with the affected communities and there's some more scientific reviews about all the concerns."

"They refer to it being the wild, wild west with all these solar farms and wind farms, I mean this could be exactly the same thing," she says.

She says the biodigester near Lethbridge is on industrial land, doesn't have a huge lagoon, and is away from homes.

Estes says one of the concerns expressed about solar and wind farms is the use of good quality agricultural land but the site of the planned biodigester just had a crop taken off of it last week and there are cattle grazing on it now.

"I'd like to put a request out that the minister of environment put a hold on these projects until they can come up with proper regulations, because the last thing we want here is for this thing to go in and they're going to have restrictions on water in the summer and winter and so what happens if the river gets so low that they get shut down and can't use it, then we're going to be in the same position we're in with the manure."

The Alberta government says the moratorium will last until February 29th of 2024.