The generosity of Okotokians came through in a big way on Thursday.

The 11th Annual Together We Can Make a Difference Radiothon for the Sheep River Health Trust took over the airwaves on The Eagle 100.9.

The radiothon ran from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to raise funds to support health and wellness initiatives and programs from nine local organizations, including KidSport Okotoks, Inclusion Foothills, and the Solace Grief Support Society.

By the end of the radiothon, $76,035 had been raised.

Andrea Mitchell, Executive Director of the Sheep River Health Trust, says the Foothills community never fails to show up, even after 11 years.

"We're really thankful for the community. Every year they come, they show up with their $20, they pay, they phone. This year we had wonderful food trucks and vendors. And I cannot forget to thank all the amazing staff at the Eagle, they make the event for us, it's such a fun day. All our community partners, our block partners, thank you to everybody who participated."

As June is Radiothon Month, there are still a few ways to donate up until June 30.

For information on how to donate or how to get involved with the Sheep River Health Trust, click here.