It's Farmer's Market Thursday in High River...

A look at 4th Ave downtown High River on a Farmer's Market evening.

Orvella Small from Snaps joined the show to talk about all the growth the market has experienced and the wide variety of vendors to chose from.  She also talked about how it's really helping with employment opportunities for those with special needs in our community.  For more info check them out at

Speaking of those with special needs in our community, Mike Labelle organizer of the Magic Rodeo in Okotoks joined the show.

A shot of kids learning rodeo from Magic Rodeo 2015 courtesy of Magic Rodeo's facebook page.

This event is for kids 12-under with special needs and their families to learn more about the sport of rodeo in a safe and fun environment.  It's planned in-conjunction with the Okotoks Pro Rodeo on Saturday August 27th from 11-1.  RSVP to and find more info on their facebook page.

Rocky Mountain Show Jumping action starts today through to the weekend with the JC Anderson Memorial Grand Prix on Saturday at 5pm.

13 year-old Anya Bereznicki at Rocky Mountain Show Jumping.

It was amazing to hear from this young lady who's life goals include getting on Team Canada one day.  During the Olympics it's even more inspiring. :)  Owner John Anderson says it's pretty cool to see kids like Anya start out from a young age and grow into very experienced jumpers which is what RMSJ is all about.

They are also having a Movie in the Park on Friday night at 6:30pm where you can bring the family for free to watch 'The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit' on the jumbo screen.

Find more info at

John Anderson, Jody Seeley and Anya Berezenicki

Plus Cassie Gordon joined the morning show to plead to our community for help with the Foothills Minor Hockey Association.  They are having troubles filling 13 vacant volunteer spots for their casino this weekend.  Money that is used to help with costs, equipment and very importantly the lowered registration fees for families.

Cassie Gordon from FMHA and Jody Seeley

If you or someone you know can help out the FMHA please sign up on their facebook page.  Times and positions are posted. They thank you in advance as they really don't want to lose this opportunity and much needed funding.