Premier Jason Kenney is happy with the way the provincial referendum on equalization turned out.

Six out of ten Albertans are in favour of removing the principle of equalization from the constitution.

Kenney says our province has paid it's fair share while facing endless discrimination that have slowed the economy and undermined ownership of our own resources.

"All of this has resulted in tens of thousands of lost jobs, of dreams dashed, of people moving from prosperity, in too many cases, to despair, today's results speak clearly about that frustration," said Kenney. "Albertans are demanding to be respected, they're demanding that the jurisdiction of this province under the Canadian constitution be respected and demanding that we be able to develop this economy and responsibly develop our resources so that, yes the rest of Canada can continue to benefit from Alberta's future prosperity."

He says the referendum is was always about creating political and legal facts and says the federal government now has an obligation to negotiate with the province.

"I our view the federal government has an obligation to take this seriously, negotiate with us if they want to respect the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada from 1988 on constitutional amendments, now in that respect a referendum is, in our view, necessary but not sufficient, we also need a motion of the legislature and that is why I'll be tabling that motion later today (Tuesday Oct. 26), it'll be debated by Alberta's elected representatives and I expect it will be duly passed and that initiates the process for negotiations," said Kenney.

He says the issue of year-round Daylight Saving Time is off the table after barely being defeated 51.2 per cent to 49.8 per cent and congratulated the three senators-in-waiting Pam Davidson, Erika Barootes and Mykhailo Martyniouk, all of the Conservative Party of Canada.

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