It's getting to be the time of year when many High Riverittes eyes turn west to check out the mountains.

According to the Province the snowpack is above average for this time of year.

The Town of High River’s Emergency Management Team is also actively monitoring the snow melt and is reassuring residents there are no concerns at this time.

The Emergency Operations Centre is now located in the newly renovated Fire Hall and town staff are taking part in regular training and other steps are underway to ensure residents are kept informed. 

"The Fire and Protective Services team places a high priority on the safety of our community," says Cody Zebedee, the Town’s Fire Chief in a statement released Friday. "High River is one of the most flood-protected communities in North America and we have an incredibly professional and experienced team involved in planning and response. We will keep residents informed this spring."

In the past officials have pointed out that the snowpack and the melt is just one factor that can lead to a flood along with lots of precipitation and very warm conditions in the mountains.

Daily Snowpack Monitoring

Fire Hall Open House

Centre Street Flood Gate Test

May 4 Siren Test

Regular River Monitoring