The town of Nanton is getting prepared in case they receive funding to build a new school. 

Last spring, the provincial government gave the Livingstone Range School Division some funding to help design a new elementary school and an upgraded Junior and Senior High School.

Which is what they did, with the help of elected officials from the Town of Nanton, M.D. of Ranchland, and M.D. of Willow Creek

"What they are doing is they'll be building a brand-new elementary school, so that will be a K-6 school," says Handley. "And then they will be moving the High School into the existing elementary school. Which means a complete modernization of the existing elementary school. Which will now be transformed into a grade 7 to grade 12 high school." 

On February 8th, these plans were presented to the public during a Public Engagement Session at the A.B. Daley Community School, where the public was able to provide input on the new plans.

"They were seeking feedback from the community on the designs," explains Nanton Mayor Jen Handley. "They are anxiously anticipating the budget announcements coming out here in the next few weeks. And we're hoping that our two schools will be funded in this budget announcement."

Prior to bringing it to the public, the team designing the new schools worked alongside the principals and teachers from both schools, the town of Nanton, the M.D. of Ranchland, and the M.D. Willow Creek to make sure the plans meet the needs of the community.

Now they are waiting on the Provincial government to release their budget to see if Nanton will get a new school. 

"Hopefully they recognize the importance of funding these two schools this spring budget," adds Handley.

If they do receive the funding, all of the construction documents will be completed by November, with construction beginning the following spring and lasting roughly 18 months.

To see the plans and provide further feedback on the plans, visit the Livingstone Range School Division webpage.