Growing up, no matter the weather (unless there were buckets of rain - that was my limit), my brother and neighbours and I, we were outside all day, every day, until our parents yelled that dinner was ready or till the streelights turned on - and snow was no exception and cold never stopped us either. We loved snow and had no care in the world - other than maybe that little bit of snow that got in your boot and made our sock cold and wet, but even then - that didn't stop us. 

It probably didn't stop you either!

Now, being an adult with places to go, things to do and people to see, a car to dig out of the deep drifts (for what seemed like forever in January) and/or having to clean off after a long day a work, views have changed and I only spend time outside if it's 5+ degrees. (Just being honest).

It's probably the same for you too!

The main topic on most peoples social media pages and in the media is about snow removal or well lack there of or the bare minimum there of... in High River.

There have been so many negative comments on how the snow isn't cleared fast enough or well enough or not enough in general... etc. I have seen so many people trying their best to create better conditions for walking paths, roadways and parking lots with shovels, skid steers, plows and even snow blowers. I just want to say thank you to them! They have been great!

It was an abnormal year for snow and winter weather and they did their best with the resources they had.

Thank you!

I get the frustration. The snowstorms/snow fall warnings and blowing snow and of all the snow in general - it's caused travel delays for me too, and I've have to cancel numerous plans over the last couple of months and my car has gotten stuck... twice. It was not nice, and I thought I was going to snap a few times during the cold snaps. The worst of winter is over for the next few days and we survived- even when we thought our sanity wouldn't.

So, here's to the next couple of days with like a 40% chance of flurries and a weekend filled with a sky full of sun and temps reaching 12 degrees by Sunday in High River and some parts of the foothills! *jumping high five*