2011 flood that affected dozens of residents in flood risk areas


The town of High River will now have a clearer understanding of its land use bylaw.

The new bylaw was passed last on Monday, June 27 after receiving input from a public hearing two weeks before.

Of course development of flood planes was the biggest concern.

Councillor Tim Whitford brought forward ammendments to stop building in floods risk areas until the Flood Management Master Plan is received in 2012, which will better outlay where the flood fringe and risk areas are.

He says the ammendments were not passed with the bylaw.

Councillor Jamie Kinghorn says passing the bylaw with the ammendments would affect residents currently in those flood fringe areas.

Whitford says the intent of the ammendments is to minimize legal liablities and that the previous studies on flood areas were flawed.

He says there was also a lack of guidance from senior governments.