Travel Insurance should be a consideration if you are planning on heading out the country for any reason.

Owner of Pace Setter Travel in Okotoks, Dave Herron says the first step is to make sure you are purchasing your insurance from a licensed person or agency.

Herron says it's important to sit down with an expert, either a general insurance agency or a travel agency, that is licensed to sell in the province of Alberta.

"Step number two", he says, "is as you go through medical questionnaires you have to disclose 100%".

He explains that the biggest problem people make is that they "gloss over the application and forget that they saw the doctor or hospital for something, but all of those hiccups, if not disclosed, can invalidate the insurance contract leaving you with the bill".

He says you may not be covered for any existing illness but can still have coverage for things like an accidental fall so it is worthwhile exploring and talking to an expert about to ensure you do have the coverage you require.

Herron says often times a group policy through an employer may be all that you need.

He advised reviewing the policy to be sure if covers you for the duration of the trip and for the country you are going to.

He says it's always a good idea to let you provider know when you are leaving the country, for how long and where you are headed.

Herron says travel insurance is important but be sure you are getting the right coverage and only buy enough for what your needs are otherwise it's a waste of money.

For other tips and information about travel insurance you can visit