Vulcan County declared an Agricultural Disaster as of June 21st.

The municipal council met and took into consideration the report filed by Kelly Malmberg, Director of Agricultural Services.

The report states that drought conditions are impacting 50 to 90 per cent of cereal and oilseed yields as well as 50 to 90 percent of hay, pasture and range yields in the County.

Due to a lack of spring and in-season moisture along with the higher-than-normal temperatures extreme drought conditions persist throughout the area.

With the declaration, the county is now able to create a higher level of awareness with provincial and federal governments.

It's only the second time Vulcan County has declared an Agricultural Disaster with the first time being just two years ago in 2021.

The total area impacted is over 1 million acres at 1,148,412 acres which is 85 per cent of total acres in Vulcan County.