What in the World are you up to?  That was a question my Mom would ask if I was in trouble

as a youngster.  With the recent tragedy in Toronto I guess we all have the right to ask, World

what are You up to?  Most of the World events and the questions that come from them don't get

answered because the people involved aren't around to tell their side.  This time authorities will

be able to talk to the person responsible and may get answers we need to move forward to understand

the reasoning of the person involved, then again probably not.  A song I heard recently says in it

"The World works in Mysterious Ways", ain't that the truth?  Hold your loved ones close and tell them

You love them daily.


Chris Koch came in today and was on the radio talking about his incredible life.  Kris,  from the Nanton

area was born with no arms or legs.  You might think that must have been an amazing obstacle but it wasn't,

at least it wasn't for Chris.  He talked today of the humor his family has and I believe humor in a family creates

smiles which in turn creates more love for its members.  Chris's message is "If I can" and guess what HE CAN! 

I have met and interviewed a number of people and Chris is in a league by himself.  Self pity and sadness you will

not see in this man, He is Chris.  Check out If I Can on Facebook for more about Chris and try and catch him speaking

one day to be inspired.  This past week He climbed each step of THE BOW, which is the tallest building in Calgary,

tomorrow who knows?  It is always a pleasure to see Chris.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, shoes and outdoor


Have a great day!

