The main outdoor hockey rink in High River at McLaughlin Meadows isn't quite ready to go skating.

The town was flooding it as recently as Tuesday Dec. 13, but it will be a while before it's ready.

However, Emerson Lake is ready and already has a couple of hockey nets awaiting the next Wayne Gretzky.

Emerson Lake as of Dec 13, 2022Emerson Lake as of Dec 13, 2022

The ice-skating surface in George Lane Park that's put up by the Lions club is ready to go too.

George Lane Park outdoor rink as of Dec 13, 2022George Lane Park outdoor rink as of Dec 13, 2022

And over at Sunshine Lake, which is a retention pond, the ice unofficially has seen some skaters.

Sunshine Lake as of Dec 14, 2022Sunshine Lake as of Dec 14, 2022