I am sure you have asked yourself, maybe not what is the deal with people calling Wednesday

Hump Day?  It's a long climb from Monday to Wednesday so I would guess Wednesday is the

day to hit the top of the hump and move down hill to the weekend.   Wednesday's over the year's

were good for me, Wednesday night hockey on Global when I was a kid featured my hero Pat

Hickey and his Toronto Toro's of The WHL so that was fun.  It was even more fun when Paul

Henderson (towards the end of his career) was a Toro and so was "Shot Gun" Tom Ferguson

(or Kelly).  I hear cricket's, anyone remember Shot Gun?  I didn't think so, back to Wednesday's

as Hump Day. 


Ok here is the official explanation, "The term alludes to the fact that Wednesday is the middle

of the work week, meaning that one has made it "over the hump" towards the weekend."


Have a great HUMP DAY!


Charlie Brown