The Strathcona Tweedsmuir high school kicked off their Spring Break in style, with a celebrity game between the Varsity Girls and Boys Spartans basketball squads and the Calgary Stampeders.

Mathematics Curriculum Leader and Teacher Michelle Melton says the game was organized by the school Prefects, in order to have a good, community friendly competition.

"The Prefects wanted to have an initiative to bring the Stamps in to play basketball against the Senior High, Girls and Boys Varsity Teams." Ms. Melton says "They all rallied together and got the Stamps to come over and have a big sense of community and excitement as we head into spring break."

You could feel the buzz in the air as you entered the packed gymnasium, students had hand made signs, and were chanting for their chosen teams before the game even began.

Melton says the school is basically split down the middle, on who they're cheering for.

"Oh it's split 50/50! The kids have all made signs to cheer for the stamps in my home room, because they want to see the Spartans get challenged a little bit!"

Apparently, this wasn't the first non-regulation game the Spartans have had, as Melton says the Spartans took it out on the teachers about a month ago.

"I think the students are excited, they played the teachers about a month ago, and they schooled us!" Melton adds "This might be a little bit harder, so this will be a good match and they're up for the challenge."

The height challenge was a little difficult for the Spartans to overcome as the giant Stamps players only had to reach up and tip their wrists to dunk.

Despite the Spartans loss 88-53, everyone felt pretty good as they left the court with the big smiles on their faces, now energized for their two week vacation from the daily grind of school.