The question of what to do with unwanted beavers in the Town of High River has an answer some people might not want to hear.

A recent Facebook post questioned the practice of a trapper hunting a beaver with a bow and arrow recently on the Lineham Canal.

The town responded by saying they are engaged in an ongoing beaver management program to control beavers that are posing a risk to municipal infrastructure and private property.

Communications assistant Kevin Tetzlaff says beavers present a range of challenges to municipalities including flooding of public and private property through the damming of storm water retention ponds and river canals, as well as the removal of large numbers of trees.

"Beavers are only controlled in areas where they have been deemed a risk to Town infrastructure or private property," said Tetzlaff. "And unfortunately relocation of beavers to another area is not an option, as there is nowhere for them to be released."

The Town has hired a certified trapper that has over 25 years of experience who only uses a variety of humane methods to remove the animals from town.

The RCMP are notified if a firearm or other weapon is to be used for hunting and all necessary restrictions are followed and precautions taken.

Beavers may be hunted and trapped, without a license, during all seasons in Alberta.

The Town of High River has many natural areas that are attractive to both people and animals.

"The Town understands that residents will have a range of views on this issue. Beavers are only removed in areas that they are posing a risk and using humane methods by a professional trapper," said Tetzlaff.


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