The Foothills Kinettes have just about reached their fundraising goal for installing new playground equipment where the Water Tower use to stand.

Past President Jenny Jones says a lot of support has come through with most recently the High River Legion donating $5,000.

"And then I also got confirmation from the Community Facility Enhancement Program, a grant through the government and we got $80,000 from them so that is very exciting," said Jones.

Western Financial is also making a donation to the playground project.

So now they now have $184,000 of the $204,000 budget they have set out and while they have plans in place they are not finalized quite yet so the Kinettes are hosting a couple of community engagement meetings to get some feedback.

"The dates I believe are the end of October beginning of November. We are possibly hoping to be part of the November Community Cafe to get some feedback on what they like, what they are interested in and maybe some ideas on what they might look for in that park."

Jones added now that the Water Tower is gone there is a lot of space to work with.

The Kinettes have committed to looking after the park once it is built for five years.


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