Alberta being the boom or bust province that it is when it comes to the Oil & Gas industry has seen a lot of busts recently and that's not just those being laid off.

Oil companies have made their mark on numerous pieces of land throughout the Foothills when it comes to oil wells big and little. But more and more landowners aren't getting their rent from companies in the past couple of years.

Chairperson for the Alberta Surface Rights Board Gerald Hawranik says they've seen quite the influx of applications asking for compensation for missed payments.

"It's increased substantially," he says. "For the ten years prior to 2013 we would received about 350 to 360 applications under section 36. Last year in 2015 we had 764 applications."

If an operator has not paid money payable under a surface lease and the right of entry order or compensation order and the due date for the payment has passed, the person or persons entitled to the money may bring an application under section 36 of the Surface Rights Act.

Hawranik says smaller oil companies whether they're neglecting owners, refusing to pay or going out of business entirely and or bankrupt and going into receivership are the main companies leading to more applications.

"It's really escalated this year we're expecting upwards to around 1500 applications under section 36. Paying out in the neighbourhood of 3.5 to 4 million dollars."

If you haven't received payments from those renting land for their wells, Hawranik says you can be compensated.

"There is a provision in the surface rights act allowing them to come to the board as long as they prove the amount of the claim, they prove that they're ones owed the money and it hasn't been paid. So as long those three elements are proven we can issue an order for the government to pay for the lease in the meantime."

For more details on to applying to the Surface Rights Board click here.