According to Statistics Canada, the median total income of households in High River in 2015, was $78,956, a change of 8.5% from $72,755 in 2005

In 2015, 1,160 persons or 8.7% were in low income, while in 2005, 11.1% of the persons in High River lived in low income.

The low-income rate for people under 18 years of age was 13.1% compared to 8.1% for those aged 18 to 64 and 5.5% for persons 65 and over in 2015.

People living in one-parent families had a higher rate of low income at 24.7%, while those living in couples families without children had a lower rate of 3.7%.

In 2015, 63.8% of households in High River contributed to Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Registered Pension Plans, or Tax-free Savings Accounts.

In Alberta, 68.4% of households contributed to an account while 65.2% of households contributed nationally.

In 30.1% of couples in High River, each partner had fairly equal incomes in 2015 while men had higher income in 56.8% of couples and women had higher income in the remaining 13.1% of couples.

For Canada overall, each partner had fairly equal incomes in 32.0% of couples with men having the higher income in just over a half of couples and women having higher income in just 17.3% of couples.

In 2015, the median total income of couples in High River was $88,608.

The median income of higher-income partners in 2015 was $60,368 and the median income of lower-income partners was $24,274.


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