A new round of Wikileaks, this time of CIA information will lead to a new round of cyber attacks.

That from Vulcan's David Swan who's the Director of the Cyber Intelligence Defence Centre.

He says it'll start in the coming days, and it'll last for months.

"The smart money says we've got to expect attacks as soon as this week. Top tier criminals will have rolled out new packages, new attacks. The second tier will take two weeks to a month. And for the next three to six months we can expect all sorts of new stuff rolling at us."

Swan says don't fool yourself into thinking these hackers and criminals will just target big business or governments.

He says they go after anybody who's vulnerable.

He says it's not just government's seeing what's released on Wikileaks, he says the bad guys pay close attention too, and they use the information for their own bad intents.

Swan says the easiest defence is to always update your operating system software and your anti-virus protection along with changing passwords frequently.

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