It's been another good year for tourism in High River.

Olivia Cotton-Cornwall, the Coordinator at the Visitor Centre says a lot of the tourists they're seeing are coming for one reason.

"Well, definitely Heartland, which is filming it's 12th season here in town. So, we're very, very lucky that they film here. But, people just want to come and see where the show is filmed and get a real sense of the landscape."

She says many of those guests ask about other things to do in the area, which she and her staff are only too happy to provide them information on.

"People come in here and they learn about, not just the history of High River, but just how much this area has to offer beyond something like just Heartland. They learn about everything like the Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump, to the Bar-U Ranch. There's so much to see and so much to do in this area."

Cotton-Cornwall says they're seeing as many as 200 people a day come to the Visitor Centre at the Museum of the Highwood.


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