The Town of High River is inching towards reopening the pool at the Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex.

The Town's Director of Engineering, Planning and Operations, Reiley McKerracher says they've got the leaks fixed and have started to refill the pool again.

He's says the pool's not 100 per cent, simply because it's an old facility, but it should be ready to go soon.

"We still have some outstanding maintenance type items that we'll have to fix on the next shutdown to really catch up and extend the life on this facility. But we're close and we're excited to be having it opening back up here shortly."

McKerracher says they're full steam ahead now.

"So, we are heating it right now. Then we'll take some time to heat it and balance the chemicals in it. The we'll be doing some training with our staff. Our staff haven't been in the water for quite some time. So they do need training. I think there's some re-certifications to be done as well with the staff."

He says they hope to be open around the end of the month, but wouldn't nail down an exact date.


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