The Town of Okotoks is offering residents another energy rebate program for the rest of the year.

The Energy Conservation Rebate Pilot Program kicked off Wednesday, October 5.

Interim Sustainability Coordinator Stefan Martensson says the program is just a simple audit to find out what parts of your home may be causing your energy bill to be higher than it should be.
"The energy audit is basically an energy advisor coming to your home and checking it for leaks and how you can actually improve your energy efficiency in your home. So this builds off of the MyHeat program that we launched in January."

There is $7500 set for the program so those looking to get in on the rebate will need to book an audit as soon as possible.

Martensson says there are some specifics behind the program.

"The audit has to be completed in accordance with the Natural Resources Canada EnerGuide, there's a new standard called Version 15 and this a renovation update that we are rebating. The Energy Advisor of course has to be a licensed official and they have to have a business license here in Okotoks."

The first ten residents that get their audits done and submitted will receive a $300 rebate.

Martensson says there are ways you can also find out if your house is lacking in energy efficiency as the Town is offering take home kits to help you prepare for an audit.

"These kits are kind of the first step towards increasing your home's energy efficiency and comfort in your home. So you can basically do your home energy audit yourself, there are brochures and paper work attached to these kits so it gears you how to do your energy audit.

The deadline to complete an energy audit is December 31.

The whole program guide can be found here.