A Carbon and Forages Field Day will be held on July 19 at the Rugby Hall near Didsbury. The day will feature three speakers highlighting their expertise in grazing and forage.

Rachel McLean, Environmental and Communications Coordinator for the Foothills Grazing Association, says she thinks it's important producer be aware and involved about the possibility for carbon rebates for livestock producers in the future.

"As well all know, there are current rebates for crop framers to get money back for carbon sequestration, and we were just wondering, from the livestock side of things, where the research is at and what's happening in the future."

Speakers will cover topics such as the current research happening in Alberta with carbon capture and forages, how different management styles can store more carbon, and why measuring carbon isn't easy.

McLean adds, there will be a tour of the Foothills Forage Perennial trial as well.

"We have 32 different varieties of forages out there, and this is out in the Cremona/ Didsbury area, and we will be looking at what varieties are doing better in that area."

For more information and to register for the event, you can visit their website.


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