The 1st High River Scouts are seeking adventurous souls to volunteer with the program.

Cubs Volunteer, Michelle Parker A.K.A 'Mang', says her favourite part of volunteering is watching the kids learn extra skills.

"I like the skills that the kids are learning. so they're constantly working on their outdoor skills but also their leadership skills and there's a lot of things that they don't get to do in their regular day to day life." Parker says "They get to work with knives, they get to light fires and they get to go on hikes and they get to build on a lot of those independent skills that help them to become capable people."

Parker says as a volunteer of course you're dedicated to the kids and youth, but it's more than that!

"I'm a big fan of volunteering because it's not just for the kids, it's also for me. That's one of the things that people forget, you want to go into this because you have a commitment to helping the kids and helping the youth, but ultimately you're going to get just as much out of it as the kids are."

If you've never even been on a hike, Parker says that's okay! Scouts Canada has programs to train you, and you'll learn along with the youth. The only requirement is a clean background check.

"You don't have to have any experience! You're going to learn, and the big thing is just being committed to and listening to the kids." Parker says "The outdoor skills are easy to learn and if we don't have anyone to mentor you here in our local organization, we can find people throughout the national organization that can help us get those skills."

If you want to become a scouts volunteer, Parker says you just have to ask, and you can find out more information by going online to the Scouts Canada web-page or contacting the High River scouts directly.

Parker says she would love to see more young adult involvement and that it's a great volunteer addition to any college applications.