Michelle Karpa and Hayden Zimmer

A couple of the guests last Sunday in High River, as the Art Wall was being dismantled, know natural disaster all too well.

They are Michelle Karpa and Hayden Zimmer, two young people from Slave Lake.

Zimmer's home was destroyed by fire and he sees the differences in the aftermath between a fire and a flood, "The only real benefit that they have here (High River) is that they have something to come back to in the sense that they can salvage what they can find left from there, so maybe they had pictures upstairs that really meant something to them, but at the same time, the fact that they tore all our stuff down, we were able to excavate the whole foundation out, and we actually started rebuilding a lot earlier."

He says with-in five months of the fire they had started rebuilding and were able to move into their new home with-in a year, however he noticed that from the look of some the houses in High River it could still be a lot longer, especially since demolition hasn't even started on some homes.

Michelle Karpa says a number of her friends' homes were destroyed but her's wasn't and she felt a lot of guilt over that, "Being from a small town you know everyone and so everywhere I went, everybody I talked to I said "Oh your house is gone..." so you do feel guilty saying "oh mines's ok, I still have everything and I think that was really hard for me, I never really knew what to say and how to exactly help because you are affected because you went through this disaster, you know whether or not you lost everything you just gone through this incredible event but you're not dealing with it the same, you don't have the same emotions so it's hard, it's hard in it's own way".

The pair were in High River collecting stories from people who had been impacted by the flood.