Today, Wednesday, May 29 is Red Shirt Day.

Angie Brown with her red shirt on to show support for Red Shirt Day.Angie Brown with her red shirt on to show support for Red Shirt Day.

Red Shirt Day is a day that's focused on supporting people with disabilities for accessibility and inclusion within society. 

It's all in support of National AccessAbility Week.

High River local amateur weather forecaster Angie Brown says it's important everyone has an equal opportunity.

"As an advocate group I'm with, we like to push accessibility, especially designing of buildings and places. To me, that's what accessibility is, like everyone, mobility to non-mobility to verbal to non-verbal. Well, I have the Disability Action Hall and Self Advocacy Federation. It means a lot to be supported and knowing that there are people that care for accessibility."

National AccessAbility Week started Sunday, May 26, and runs till Saturday, June 1.