Trucks and trailers sporting ads sitting on the sides of highways are illegal. (Photo by Sean Emmett)

They're not a clever marketing strategy, or a good way for land owners to make some extra cash... they're illegal.

Signage is not allowed on the sides of highways in a rural area and according to The MD of Foothills Municipal Manager Harry Riva-Cambrin, a truck or trailer is no exception to the rule.

The number of trucks and trailers on the sides of highways in the area is steadily increasing are a growing issue for the MD of Foothills.

According to Riva-Cambrin, the residents in the area also have a big problem with the advertisements.

He says "There's been a substational increase in the number of signs out there, so we're getting a lot more complaints regarding them."

The discipline for having these advertisements falls on the land owner, a fine to the tune of $250.

The MD of Foothills is looking to double that fine, as the current amount doesn't seem to deter land owners from having these advertisements on their property.

Riva-Cambrin says "if you try to enforce a removal, they just move the trailers and then you have to start all over again, so what the MD of Foothills is looking at is fining the land owner for having the sign on their property."

The MD of Foothills continues to look for a way to remove all of the trucks and trailers sporting ads and hopes an increase in the fine to land owners will prevent more from popping up.