Senior Pro Rodeo hit High River on the weekend for contestants over 40 who don't feel it's time to be put out to

pasture in their favorite sport!

(photo a cowboy defies time participating in rodeo after 40)

The accolades are still coming in from people who won tickets to the Tre Twitty and Tayla Lynn show

on Friday at the Memorial Centre.  People seemed to really take to Loretta's Grand Daughter who

was in early for her show Friday night and made her way around town to meet some locals before

her 7 O'clock performance with Tre' Twitty, the Grandson of Conwy Twitty.  Tammy from Walkers

Country and Western Wear gave Tayla a beautiful hat that Tayla wore proudly around town before

the show and even during her performance on Friday night.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

(photo LtoR Charlie and Tayla Lynn)

The soccer folks were busy with young soccer stars on Saturday as the fields were dry enough to

start up this weekend.  The local mixed slow pitch league kicked in this weekend too.  The local

Junior Heat won their Lacrosse game Sunday and it was a pretty nice afternoon to be pretty much

anywhere in Southern Alberta with that awesome sun shining most of the weekend.  Farmers were

out preparing land and I think that is proof we have finally escaped most of the cool weather for now anyway.


Enjoy your week!

 Charlie Brown