OK, who is happy with this nicer weather?  Apparently some folks

get the migraines this time of year and I feel bad for them.

It must be so tough to take  knowing it is so much warmer

and you can't  go out to the sunlight because the migraine 

comes at the same time as better weather.


Warmer weather means Chinooks and Chinooks mean those silly

brain cramping aches are right there too.  Several theories are 

thrown around as to why some suffer from migraines but they mean

nothing to the sufferer of these nasty headaches because those types

that have them just want to be rid of them. (and don't care how)


Global Warming is always questioined when we have temperatures

like we have had so far in March, the flowers are slower to bloom and

the grass is not quite green.  I have to admit that I really worry

more of nice weather in the Spring than I do of Global Warming and I

am sure it has to do with exactly where I live.  When we the Albertans

have a long winter usually the mind of us all revolves around when the

warmer air will hit and the shovel will be put away.  Some Albertans I'm

sure leave their shovel out till June just in case right?


This past Friday I had a chance to play some music for a group of folks

who were a part of the 18 teams involved with the mixed curling event in High River.

I wonder how many of those ice walking, stone throwing kind folks would

like to have 12 months of winter to continue on with the game they all love?

I am guessing none because most of them all play golf.


Till next time, make it a great day and keep smiling, it looks good on You!


Charlie Brown

