This year the Bar U Ranch is celebrating 20 years of making memories of being a National Historical Site!

Today was the Old Time Ranch Rodeo where ranch teams competed for silver Bar U buckles and bragging rights.

The events that the working cowboys competed in were Team Branding, Team Sorting, Team Doctoring, Wild Cow Milking, and Broke Horse Racing!

A dozen teams were competing in today's events, the ranches were Northfork Grazing, Jenkina Lazy U Ranch, Flying E Ranche, Bluebird Valley, Esser Livestock, Soderglen, The Quill, Sam Emideo, Sears Ranches, Remington Cattle, Grizzly Springs, and Meadow Springs. Meadow Springs were the champions in 2014 for the Old Time Ranch Rodeo!

New this year at the Old Time Ranch Rodeo was the Ranch Horse Competition and the Pekisko Creek Western Trade Fair & Art Show

The Sunshine Patrol had a blast and we brought out the Wheel of Winning AKA WOW!

More events coming up for the 2015 season like Polocrosse, Ranch Roping Competition, Sheep Herding Championships!

~ Megan