Smile Cookie Week in High River brought in thousands of dollars as thousands of Smile Cookies were sold.

Just over $16,444 in sales was made from the cookies and it goes right back into the community.

Kevin and Kim Generoux who own and operate both Tim Horton's locations in town were happy to help the local hospital again this year.

In an earlier media release just before the campaign began, the Generoux's said they were excited to partner with the High River District Health Care Foundation again.

“We are thrilled to invite the Foundation to be our 2024 Smile Cookie partner and to be able to support local families utilizing the High River Maternity. The Smile Cookie campaign allows both our team and our guests to support the Maternity Unit at our High River Hospital.”

Cathy Couey, Fund Development Officer & Communications Officer, couldn't thank them, their staff, and all the volunteers who took the time to decorate and sell them.

"Staff members here from the hospital, board members, volunteers, general community members.  We had them as young as I think 13 up to 80 something. So, huge thank you and it's a tonne of fun."

The $16,444 will go towards the Maternity unit for the second consecutive year.

"We are purchasing a Bili Blanket. And what that is, if an infant is born with jaundice, and this blanket allows for the infant to be wrapped up, while still getting the Bilirubin therapy, so it can be cuddled by a loved one rather than under a light where they can't be held and swaddled. And so, just a really big asset to the family being able to hold their little one. And then on top of that we got some specialized blood pressure cuffs that the need on the unit and we're also looking at some family friendly additions to the low-risk clinic to their waiting room for the older siblings that come for appointments with moms and dads."

Smile Cookie week ran from April 29 to May 5.