The Ram has seen lots of miles the past two weeks.

On Aug 9, I took the truck down to Champion for a Stockmanship workshop with Dylan Biggs, and what an amazing learning opportunity!

Let's be honest... sometimes working cattle can be a real pain, but Dylan offered many tips and tricks to make it an enjoyable experience for both the handlers and livestock.

People gathered around Dylan Biggs to learn his secrets of handling cattle.

Last week, August 15-17, the Canadian Beef Industry Conference took place in Calgary at the Stampede Grounds.

One of the hot topics at the conference was the NAFTA round table discussions.  Colin Woodall, Vice President of Government Affairs for NCBA in Washington said even though people are questioning Trump, there are some wise folks in charge of agriculture in the States.

Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture for the U.S., used to be a vet, and there are other officials who have a background in agriculture. He says some of these officals have even reached out to Canada to strength our ties in agriculture.

Canadian Beef Industry Conference in the BMO Center.

Tomorrow, the Ram and I will be making our way to the Lacombe Research Centre for their Cow Forage Gentec Tour. They will be covering topics about hybrid vigor in commercial beef herds, so keep an eye out for those ag news stories in the future.

If you see me out on the highway, make sure to give me a big wave and head to the stations website to enter for your chance to win the 2017 Ram.