We all love Christmas.

But we could do without the Bills coming a month after the big day.

The Better Business Bureau has come out with five simple tips to help making that debt go away easier.

Leah Brownridge with the BBB says the best way to start is by coming up with a plan.

"Set up a budget that is realistic. So you want to make sure you are taking a look at all of your household expenditures, and making sure you can afford to pay those bills, even if it's not the full amount every time, you're still making those payments on time."

She says credit card companies will work with you if you ask to lower your interest rate.

She says sending extra payments when you can, and no matter what, sticking to the plan, will make that debt go away faster.

Here's the Bureau's five tips:

Make 2016 a debt-free year and be a calculated consumer with these BBB tips:
1.) Set up a household budget to guide your spending patterns. Adjust expenses to find extra money to pay down credit card and other revolving debt - even $50 a month will help.

2.) Choose a method. Debt management experts advise either paying off higher-interest balances first (this is the ladder method of debt repayment) or paying off smaller balances first (called the snowball method, because you build momentum). Either way, you'll be moving in the right direction.

3.) Ask for lower rates. Most credit card companies will lower interest rates when asked, especially if you mention a "hardship plan." Lower rates mean your payments go more toward principal instead of interest.

4.) Send extra payments.. Make at least the minimum payment each month on every account, but send that extra amount to the chosen payoff account. As soon as that debt is paid off, put its payment and the extra toward the next account on your target list.

5.) Stick to the plan. It can be tempting to use your credit cards again once the balances are lowered, but that will only make it harder to get out of debt, and the process may take much longer. Resist the temptation and keep your eyes on your long-term goal.