The month of June will see a few more equipment check stops in the area to make sure there isn't any safety risks or just plain old wear and tear on vehicles.

Municipal Enforcement Manager Tim Stobbs says the stops are important for all drivers heading out on summer excursions even if you think nothing is wrong, those at the stops can see some things your eyes maybe can't.

"We will have a number of occasions where we are going to set up vehicle equipment checks for people and their safety to ensure that their equipment is up and working after a bit of a winter," he says. "At that time you may run into Municipal Enforcement, the RCMP, Sheriffs or the CPR Police or even Motor Vehicle Transport Officers."

Stobbs says some the inspection are ones you wouldn't expect.

"We're going to look over really just for motor vehicle equipment such as your seatbelt, are your wearing it? Is it operable? Do you have day time running lights that are operable as per the manufacturers specifications, do your lights work or do you have a functioning windshield washer system."

While checking for safety, officers at the equipment check stops will also be looking for those not following specifications on how loud or wide your vehicles are allowed to be.

"The amount of illegal exhaust that are on vehicles as well as the wide tires extending beyond the fender wells or not having adequate splash protection so we'll be looking for that as well."