High River's new Chief Administrative Officer says he's settling in nicely.

Chris Prosser came to work for the Town of High River and started in early November.

He says the staff and Council have made his transition almost seamless.

"I think the transition was made very easy by the existing staff and council and how welcoming everybody was." Prosser says "They've taken time out of their days to make sure that I've been easing into the transition very smoothly and that I wasn't thrown to wolves right away, so I have to give credit to staff and council who've made it very easy."

So far he says the best part of his move, is High River's vibe.

"There's an energy here that says "we're ready for some change" and I think defining what High River's going to be in the future is something that's exciting and I'm really looking forward to seeing where we can take this community."

Of course Prosser is prepared for inevitable challenges, but he says he'll take those as they come.

"I think there's going to be all sorts of challenges from financing to resources and infrastructure along our way but I think from what I've seen from this community, and how welcoming and friendly everyone is from our neighbours to all the businesses that I've frequented, I think High River is poised for some big future success in redefining itself."

So far, the biggest challenge for Prosser has been the significant increase in staff.

"I think the number one challenge is honestly remembering everyone's name!" Prosser chuckles "It's been a task in memory exercise right now to get to know everyone and get to know where they fit, what division and department they're in and what department they work for. I'm getting there, I like to think I'm about 75 per cent of the way there."

The scenery isn't the only difference for Prosser after moving to High River, as the staff in Invermere is substantially smaller than that of High River's.

Prosser says other than population, the two town's are actually quite similar.

"I though there would be big differences but it's really the same! We may have different scopes or different issues but for the most part it's the same." He adds "When I think about the issues there it's the commonalities that I see. We had a conversation about signs the other day and signs in BC are the same issue, just as they're an issue for everyone no matter what community. Of course there are legislation differences in different levels of government, there just as many similarities."

READ MORE: High River Hires New Chief Administrative Officer

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