A project of the High River Ministerial Association goes Saturday June 2nd in the town.

Lieutenant Nyree Bond with the Salvation Army says all the events that have been set up are designed to provide people with the things they need. "So of course the food drive is to help people that access our food bank but then the other projects include yard work, some spring cleaning, we're picking up household items that people have trouble disposing of, stuff like that. A free car wash at the fire hall, so lots of exciting stuff going on."

She says about 300 people have signed up through their churches to help others out.

There's a kick-off Saturday morning at 9 at George Lane Park.
Lieutenant Bond says if someone is in need of assistance they can call 403-652-2195 extension 4 and they'll take a name and number and call back to find out what's required and all the other pertinent information.