All households in Okotoks are encouraged to fill out the Municipal Census, available on-line now until May 20.

It's time to stand up and be counted in Okotoks.

The annual Okotoks Municipal Census begins on Wed. May 6, with residents encouraged to fill out the one-question on-line survey before May 20.

Census coordinator, Betty Huber, says it's a quick, but necessary process.

"It's important to residents to participate," she says. "Because everybody who's counted helps us to attain more grant money, both provincial and federal, which of course then lowers other fees and taxes that residents might be expected to pay."

Residents will receive a PIN number for the survey on a white-door hanger, which Huber says will be delivered in the next few days.

"(Delivery) won't be completed until Sun. May 10," she says. "So, you might, in fact, not receive your door hanger till Sunday, enumerators need a few days to get out them out there. If you don't, after May 10, have a door hanger, you're able to call the Town Municipal Secretary for some assistance with that, and her number is 403-938-8905."

Huber says the census doesn't have to be filled out on-line, but it's certainly the easier way to go.

"Residents are really strongly encouraged to answer the question on-line," she says. "If not, they can start watching for an enumerator to come to their door beginning May 21. Enumerators will be going door-to-door May 21 to June 7."

Huber says there's extra incentive to fill out the survey on-line, as residents will have a chance to win a $100 credit towards their Okotoks utility bill.

To fill out the 2015 Okotoks Municipal Census, click here.