Foothills school board trustees got an update on all of the work that's been taking place at schools in the division at their last meeting.

Superintendent Chris Fuzessy says they specifically got to hear about the Facility Services team which he called the unsung heroes of the pandemic.

"We talk a lot about the tremendous parental support that we've received and know that parents, particularly now with the shift back to online learning, are facing new and/or ongoing, from an online learning perspective, challenges and we appreciate their support," he says. "And our staff teams has really done great work with the continuity of education, and online learning, but that particular team in facilities is kind of in the background, ensuring that safety aspect, making sure appropriate PPE, hand sanitizer, ventilation setting, filter changes, all of those things are taking place."

He says they've been doing all of that in conjunction with Custodial Services through Scott Young, ensuring cleanings take place were there is a (COVID) case associated with a school.

Fuzessy says they also learned about all the other work in optimizing efficiencies in that department, making the best use of dollars provided through IMC and CMR project and he adds the Blackie School modernization's going on at the same time.


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