If you hear sirens outside tomorrow, May 1, don't panic! It's just a drill!

The Town of High River has a scheduled test of the permanent outdoor speakers as part of the Town's emergency preparedness plan.

Permanent sirens are meant  for outdoor notifications only and the Town says most people shouldn't hear them inside. 

You should expect the sirens to ring for about three minutes during this test.

In a real life emergency the sirens would sound off continuously and residents would be encouraged to take the following precautions.

Residents are also encouraged to sign up for the High River ALERT system which is part of the Safe Communities Alert Network known as SCAN.

The Town says submitting your information with SCAN allows them to notify you of any emergency and keep residents informed throughout any emergency situation.

May 1st, all registered users will receive a test notifications on their phones.

Test alert phone calls should come from 403-933-6568, emails will come from Safe Communities Alert Network and text messages will show up from 89362.

The sirens and alerts will continue to be tested three times each year on the first Wednesday in January, May and September. Visit www.HRready.ca for more information.