Sexually transmitted infections are on the upswing in Alberta.

Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta, Dr. Deema Hinshaw, says there were over 24,000 positive cases of STI's in Alberta last year.

"So there was a total of 24,178 cases of sexually transmitted infections and that includes HIV that were reported in 2018."

Hinshaw says there are likely many more cases but the statistics only count those who came in and were tested positive for STI's.

Hinshaw says the Calgary Zone (which stretches from Claresholm to Didsbury and includes the Foothills) is one of five zones and contributed to just over 7,000 confirmed cases, which is approximately 30 per cent of all STI cases in Alberta.

"So within the Calgary Zone in 2018 there were 7,141 cases."

Hinshaw says there are a few ways to protect yourself from STI's.

"Well one of the most important ways to protect yourself from an STI, people can talk with their partners, I think being open and having conversations with partners, understanding risk factors, and using protection, barrier protection in particular like condoms is really important."

Hinshaw says it's ideal to have yourself and your potential partner tested before engaging in a new sexual relationship, and to be tested after every new partner.


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